Jun 10, 2014

Drawing my first comic strip! :: The Introvert's Legal Loophole

When I was faced with a question about my quietness this week, my sister came up with this genius answer for me to use. I laughed SO hard. I knew I had to record it somehow, so I decided to try my hand at comic strip drawing! 
Well done, sis. Just ... well done. 


  1. I love it!! And I love the hairstyles of your characters.

  2. Ha ha, this is epic! :) Great style as well!

  3. XD This is so perfect. I need to use this (if I remember it).

    I nominated you for the Liebster Award here: http://randomofalife.blogspot.com/2014/05/nominated-for-liebster-blog-award-twice.html

    It was quite a while ago in blog time...I forgot for a little while. Oops. Anyway, I don't know if you do these but you and your blog deserve it. :))

  4. Haha! This is so cute! I totally need to use this next time someone calls me quiet. :)

  5. Wow, you are so funny! (and creative, obviously xd )

  6. Funny!! I like the first comic strip. Not to rain on the parade. But I am a compulsive techincaltarian and I just learned about this in my class. Those are rights that are read after you are arrested (traditionally as the cuffs are going on). Introverts, always living on the edge.


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